10-Day General Northern California Precipitation Forecast:
The weather forecast for the next ten days is sunny with highs ranging from the upper 90's to the upper 70's.
From CDEC: Precipitation to date for water year 2023-2024 - as of 9/9/2024:
Northern Sierra Precipitation: 8-Station Index: 48.0" = 91% of average for this date
San Joaquin Precipitation: 5-Station Index: 33.0" = 83% of average for this date
Tulare Basin Precipitation: 6-Station Index: 22.6" = 80% of average for this date
From CDEC: Average Statewide Snow Water Content Equivalents as of 9/9/2024:
North: 0" = 0% of normal for this date
Central: 0" = 0% of normal for this date
South: 0" = 0% of normal for this date
Statewide: 0" = 0% of normal for this date
River Flows (Current and estimated future flow rates from NOAA's California Nevada River Forecast Center and CDEC)
Sacramento River (I Street Bridge/ Freeport Bridge)
The 9/9/2024 daily average flow is 22,754 cfs and the average flow is expected to increase slightly to 24,458 cfs through 9/14/2024.
Feather River (at Boyd's Landing)
As of 9/9/2024, the Feather River flow is 9,738 cfs and is expected to remain relatively unchanged at 9,791 cfs by 9/14/2024.
San Joaquin River (near Vernalis)
As of 9/9/2024, the San Joaquin River flow is 1,090 cfs and is expected to remain relatively unchanged at 1,170 cfs by 9/14/2024.
Latest Delta Cross Channel Gate Operation (From the USBR website)
Posted: 08/27/2024
The Delta Cross Channel will be closed to boating access in early September due to geologic sampling activities, as part of the Delta Cross Channel Gates Improvements Project. A drilling barge will be located in the channel near the Delta Cross Channel upstream and downstream sides of Gates, and drilling will be performed on both the the gates. The temporary channel closure will allow the work to be performed safely. Access through the Delta Cross Channel Gates will be closed to boating: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
through Friday, September 6, 2024, and Monday, September 9, 2024
through Friday September 13, 2024
select alternative boating routes during these dates. The Please use caution and Delta Cross Channel Gates will remain open during drilling. ************************************************ Please check regularly for updates at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/cvo/vungvari/dcc_chng.pdf Note 1: Gates may be operated/closed on short notice for fishery protection in the November to January timeframe. Note 2: Gate operations may take approx 30 boats may not be permitted minutes to complete, so to pass through the gates until approx 30 minutes after the scheduled opening time. Boat passage may be cut off approximately 30 minutes prior to the scheduled closing time. Questions may be directed to the Central Valley Operations Office at gmora@usbr.gov.
Comment: Facility maintenance and gate testing, please use caution
Note 1: Gates may be operated/closed on short notice for fishery protection in the November to January timeframe.
Note 2: Gate operations may take approx 30 minutes to complete, so boats may not be permitted to pass through the gates until approx 30 minutes after the scheduled opening time. Boat passage may be cut off approximately 30 minutes prior to the scheduled closing time.
EC and Bromide:
Banks: EC = N/A uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L. 10 days ago: EC = N/A uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L.
Jones: EC = 0 uS/cm, Br = 0.0304 mg/L. 10 days ago: EC = 0 uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L.
Clifton Court Forebay: EC = 233.9 uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L. 10 days ago: EC = 227.7 uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L.
Vernalis: EC = 436 uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L. 10 days ago: EC = 445 uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L.
Gianelli: EC = N/A uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L. 10 days ago: EC = N/A uS/cm, Br = N/A mg/L.
Organic Carbon, TOC and DOC:
Banks: TOC = N/A mg/L, DOC = N/A mg/L. 10 days ago: TOC = N/A mg/L, DOC = N/A mg/L.
Jones: TOC = 15.5 mg/L, DOC = 15.1 mg/L. 10 days ago: TOC = N/A mg/L, DOC = N/A mg/L.
Vernalis: TOC = N/A mg/L, DOC = N/A mg/L. 10 days ago: TOC = N/A mg/L, DOC = N/A mg/L.
Gianelli: TOC = N/A mg/L, DOC = N/A mg/L. 10 days ago: TOC = N/A mg/L, DOC = N/A mg/L.
Daily Average Pumping: 8/30 through 9/8
Banks Pumping Plant ... ranged between 4,827 cfs and 6,949 cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was 5,966 cfs.
Jones Pumping Plant ... ranged between 4,128 cfs and 4,247 cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was 4,203 cfs.
Gianelli Pumping Plant ... discharge generation (San Luis Reservoir water moving out of the reservoir into O'Neill Forebay) ranged between zero cfs and 1,870 cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was zero cfs. Discharge pumping (O'Neill Forebay water moving into San Luis Reservoir) ranged between 1,712 cfs and 3,851 cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was 3,661 cfs.
O'Neill Pumping Plant (Federal CVP) ... discharge generation (O'Neill Forebay water moving into the DMC) varied between zero cfs and zero cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was zero cfs. Discharge pumping (DMC water moving into O'Neill Forebay) ranged between 1,512 cfs and 1,911 cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was 1,851 cfs.
Dos Amigos Pumping Plant ... ranged between 4,401 cfs and 5,982 cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was 4,401 cfs.
South Bay Pumping Plant ... ranged between 114 cfs and 179 cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was 125 cfs.
Barker Slough Pumping Plant ... ranged between 55 cfs and 82 cfs over the time period. The 9/8 average was 71 cfs.
Status of the Temporary Barriers as of 9/9/2024
Middle River Barrier
Mobilization started on April 29 at 3:00pm. In-water work started on May 1 at 9:00am. Turbidity curtains were installed and flap gates were tied open on May 1 at 9:00am. The weir was closed on May 9 at 1:00pm and all 6 flap gates remain tied open. All in-water work was completed on May 10 at 11:30am. All 6 flap gates were released to tidal operation on June 10. The weir crest was raised by an additional foot on August 13 at 12:30pm.
Old River near Tracy Barrier
Mobilization started on May 1. In-water work started on May 3. The weir was fully closed on May 31 at 12:00pm and all 9 flap gates remain tied open. Construction was completed by June 5. All 9 flap gates were released to tidal operation on June 10. Boat portage is available daily from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and from 7am to 7pm on weekends.