The model run results cover the period November 30 through December 20 and are based on the following assumptions: Common Assumptions 1. CCFB Gates are operating to Priority 1 through the end of the forecast period. 2. The Delta Cross Channel gates were closed on November 30 and will remain closed throughout the forecast period. 3. Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates were changed from open position to tidal operation for 2 gates on November 29, and the remaining 1 gate is closed for maintenance. 4. The Middle River ag. barrier was breached on November 8. 5. The Old River at Tracy ag. barrier was breached on November 8. 6. The Grant Line Canal ag. barrier was breached on November 13. 7. The temporary False River drought barrier is closed. 8. San Joaquin River flow at Vernalis is at 593 cfs at the beginning of the forecast period and is estimated to decrease to 500 cfs by the end of the forecast period. 9. San Joaquin River EC at Vernalis is at 631 umhos/cm at the beginning of the forecast period and is estimated to increase to 723 umhos/cm at the end of the forecast period. 10. Sacramento River flow at Freeport is at 5959 cfs at the beginning of the forecast period and is expected to increase to 6850 cfs by the end of the forecast period. 11. CCFB inflow is at 296 cfs at the beginning of the forecast period and is expected to increase to 300 cfs by the end of the forecast period. 12. Export at Jones Pumping Plant is at 1711 cfs at the beginning of the forecast period and is expected to decrease to 900 cfs by the end forecast period.